Whether your task is to medicate or capture, Pneu-Dart has the ideal drug delivery system for you. Our Deer and Elk Packages are designed to effectively meet your RDD needs.
Model 178BS (Air Fired) Breech Loading Projector
The Model 178BS, a breech loading projector, is an air projector designed for the person who has limited or occasional use for an immobilizing projector. Its design is simple yet effective.
Deer & Elk Model 178BS Package Contents:
- Model 178BS Breech Loading Projector
- Important Documents Envelope
- Protective Projector Case
- RDD Device Wallet
- Cleaning Kit
- 3" Fill Needle (3 Pack)
- 3cc Syringe
- Pneu-Dart RDD Device Target
- Pneu-Dart Chest Pack
- Pneu-Dart Hat*
- Handbook of Wildlife Chemical Immobilization
- 1.0 CC Type 'P' RDD Device with 1/2" Gel Collar
- 1.5 CC Type 'P' RDD Device with 3/4" Gel Collar with Tri-Ports
- 2.0 CC Type 'P' RDD Device with 1" Gel Collar with Tri-Ports
- 3.0 CC Type 'P' RDD Device with 1 1/4" Gel Collar with Tri-Ports
- 5.0 CC Type 'P' RDD Device with 1 1/4" Gel Collar with Tri-Ports
- 1.0 CC, 1.5 CC, 2.0CC, 3.0CC and 5.0 CC Practice RDD Devices
Model 178BS Power Control Chart (PDF)
* International orders do not ship with Practice RDDs.
* This item requires an adult signature upon delivery
This package contains products that have a lead time.
Due to the temporary supply interruption of 3-10cc RDDs, Projector packages do not have an estimated delivery date at this time. Please call our customer care team at 866-299-3278 with any questions or concerns.
CLICK HERE to see lead times for our Pneu-Dart Products.